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Eid Beirut July 17-18-19- 2015 Downtown Beirut

Eid Beirut July 17-18-19- 2015 Downtown Beirut

Eid Beirut
July 17-18-19- 2015
Downtown Beirut

Beirut Celebrations under the patronage of Beirut Municipality in partnership with The Ministry of Tourism and in support of Solidere has the honor to present to you "Eid Beirut, a three-day streets festival that will take place in the heart of Beirut Central District in the vicinity of Allenby, Foch and Weygand Streets.

Street Festivals capture what communities create and put forward. They provide opportunities for artists to interact. They inspire and enrich audiences with volume and variety of work.
The experience of physicality at a festival gives the ephemeral nature of the celebration substance. The ideas behind the festival celebration, identity, and community remain free-floating concepts without something to ground them to the physical domain.
By giving form to these ideas through art (broadly defined), the ideas of a festival take on a greater force and deeper meaning, while adding the dimension of pleasure. 

Having so many ON people in one place at one time makes for an openness that allows all types of communities to connect to people more deeply within and beyond their core constituencies. This creates the conditions for communities and individuals to connect in new ways. Such connection is welcome since such interactions animate this city with a unique richness.
Street festivals breathe life into the heart and soul of Beirut.
Be part of Eid Beirut let us bring alive together the heart of Beirut.

