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Dr. books Wael Adel Al-Gharbawi, Ambassador of International Peace and Human Rights, Director of Human Rights at the International Commission for Peace, Rights and Freedoms, Executive Director of the Triple Defense Organization in Italy, and the Prince o

Dr. books Wael Adel Al-Gharbawi, Ambassador of International Peace and Human Rights, Director of Human Rights at the International Commission for Peace, Rights and Freedoms, Executive Director of the Triple Defense Organization in Italy, and the Prince of the Kingdom of Kutai, Indonesia, Arab Republic of Egypt
Despite all the charters that defend the rights of women, there are some problems that modern women suffer from.
In this regard, Professor Dr. Maharaja Kotai Mawlorman, His Majesty the Great, said
President of the World Council for International Peace, president of the Supreme Council of the International Forum in Support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
A study launched by the Brazilian "Ayrton" Institute, which specializes in social studies, revealed that modern women complain of things that represented a dream for the old woman who was deprived of many things that modern women enjoy, and considers them problems, but in fact they are accomplishments of great importance. The study added that 69% of the 8,000 women of different nationalities were asked about the modern problems of women, confirming that the status of modern women has become more complicated than before, and that what they call achievements for them are evaporating at a glance when compared to the achievements of the modern man .
Dr. completed. Wael Adel Al-Gharabawy, saying that these studies emphasized six major problems.
First: the profession
71% of the women who expressed their opinion considered that the work of women is a problem despite the availability of the atmosphere to them in an unprecedented way in history. The study commented: "Perhaps this is an aspect of the truth, although there are women who have reached the highest ranks in some societies, including the presidency and the prime minister and ministers."
Second: the family
The achievements of women in the family cannot be underestimated. In the past, there were societies that did not accept even the arrival of female births, but today there are laws that punish those who complain about the arrival of the female element, and that there are many families who favor the arrival of female births based on the belief that the daughter does not bring the problems that the son brings to the family.
Third: Marriage
66% of the women surveyed confirmed that marriage may take place for modern women. The study described this as a fact. Previously, marriage was much easier than the present time if we consider that the old woman was just waiting for marriage, and not any other future. But the modern woman thinks about achieving many things before marriage, such as studying, specializing and building a career, and this often leads to the missed marriage train on her. The study specialists commented: "For this reason, there are advanced societies in which women live as lonely as men without any marriage bond."
Fourth: Independence
The study described women's independence as very necessary; This helps a man bear the expenses of life along with a working woman. But what happens is that a large percentage of men still reject the full independence of women; This is because of instinctive reasons inherent in them about the social and family role of women. The study confirmed that 59% of women consider that the condition of women to achieve independence hinders marriage, and may even make it impossible in some societies, especially those of third world countries.
Fifth: beauty standards
Modern women, according to the study's estimation, are beginning to face stiff competition in terms of beauty standards. In the past, the natural beauty of women was the only criterion for its appreciation, but the situation has changed, as 63% of women surveyed confirmed that the natural beauty of women in the modern era comes second; Because what is most striking is the artificial beauty of cosmetics and plastic surgery. Women who are unable to combine these two components are seen as being late.
Sixth: Pregnancy
Although pregnancy and childbearing are an instinctive need in a woman, but some concepts of the current era prevent her from achieving this dream. There are modern women who believe that pregnancy distorts the beauty of women, and leads to their flabby quickly, and therefore they prefer not to go through this experience. However, according to 75% of the women surveyed, it depends on the personal and individual concept of the woman. Other opinions added that complex economic situations may represent a barrier to the desire to have children.
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