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المخرج محمد فرحان

(رمز تلاقي الشعوب و الحضارات) The Arabs Group

[B]The Arabs Group

درجت المجموعة العربية على جعل الصالة الزجاجية المفتوحة على العالم (رمز تلاقي الشعوب و الحضارات) في فندق الملينيوم غلوستر في مركز العاصمة اللندنية المكان التقليدي لإنعقاد الحفل الختامي وإعلان نتائج مسابقة أفضل العرب و أفضل الشركات العربية في العالم.
في الصورة: الحفل الختامي لمسابقة أفضل العرب في العالم لسنة ٢٠١٨[رأي المؤلف / المؤلفة هو ليس بالضرورة رأي شركة المجموعة العربية
فكرة بطولة كأس العالم للمبدعين العرب (أو ما يعرف بمسابقة أفضل العرب في العالم), حقوق المسابقة, شروط و طرائق التصويت محفوظة للمجموعة العربية (منذ عام ٢٠١٠)
حقوق فكرة مسابقة أفضل العرب في العالم (في جميع الإختصاصات) و أفضل أديب عربي في العالم (و حسب الإختصاص) محفوظة للمجموعة العربية (منذ عام ٢٠١٠)

The Arabs Group, the largest and most recognized private Award-Body for Arabs around the World is organizing The Arabs Group Literature Awards 2019 (Part of The Arabs Group Achievement Awards 2019)
Ms Iman Khaled Bhensi has been nominated to receive the award as "Best Arab Poet in the World" (Free Style)
For more information about The Arabs Group, our panel of judges and Best Arabs in the World contest please view this introductory videos:

To vote for her to win pls type her full name under her picture after you join this event page: www.facebook.com/events/205695503243326
Please note that you need to have a genuine profile with your full name and your own personal profile picture in order for your vote to be valid.
If your profile does not satisfy the criteria for voting on Facebook (No real full name and no real personal profile picture), please then vote by calling 00448726300330 and then entering the unique 4 digits code of your contestant which is 2505 followed by the hash key.
Calls cost only 11 pence per minute when dialed from a BT landline inside the UK. Calls from other networks and outside the UK may vary. Please check with your service provider before calling.
If you are a writer / poet you can also vote by sending your name and the name of your nominee to 00447477771773 after saving this WhatsApp number on your phone. We can use your number to send you up to date information regarding the Arabs Group events and selected third parties marketing material if you opted to vote using this method.
Thank you all for taking the time to vote for your favourite candidate.
Good luck to all our great nominees.
To join our contests please contact us on 00442035567674, Mobile: 00447803734031. WhatsApp, Viber or Imo: 00447477771773, or email us at: thearabsgroup@gmail.com or send us a private message with your interest of participating to the following page:
Disclaimer: The opinion of the writer / poet is not necessarily the opinion of The Arabs Group
All rights reserved@The Arabs Group (Since 2010)
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