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المخرج محمد فرحان

Dr. books Wael Adel Al-Gharbawi, Ambassador of International Peace and Human Rights, director of human rights at the International Commission for Peace, Rights and Freedoms, and executive director of the Triple Defense Organization.

Dr. books Wael Adel Al-Gharbawi, Ambassador of International Peace and Human Rights, director of human rights at the International Commission for Peace, Rights and Freedoms, and executive director of the Triple Defense Organization.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is celebrating today the World Youth Skills Day 2020 under the slogan "Skills for Flexible Youth in the Coffed Age - 19"
The United Nations General Assembly adopted its resolution 69/145, considering July 15 of each year as the International Day for Youth Skills, aiming to raise public awareness of the importance of investing in youth development skills.
Education and training plays a pivotal role in implementing the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Goal 4 of sustainable development - “Ensuring quality, equitable and inclusive education for all and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all” - expresses fully the vision of the Incheon Declaration: Education until 2030. The framework for education up to 2030 pays close attention to the issue of developing technical and vocational skills,
One of the biggest problems facing different economies and societies in today's world is the high unemployment rates among young people, in developed and developing countries alike. At least 475 million new jobs will have to be created over the next decade to accommodate the 73 million currently unemployed youth, and the 40 million new entrants to the labor market each year.
It is estimated that nearly 70% of the world's learners are affected by school closures at all levels of education. Participants in a survey conducted by UNESCO in cooperation with the International Labor Organization and the World Bank on technical and vocational education and training institutions, stated that distance training has become the most common way to transfer skills, despite the existence of significant difficulties related to curriculum adaptation, trainer and trainer preparations, communication operations or Evaluation, accreditation and others. Before this crisis, unemployment was three times higher among young people between the ages of 15 and 24 than among adults, and this group of young people often went through a long transition period between the study and work stages. In post-Covid 19 societies, young people are asked to contribute to recovery efforts, which means that they must be equipped with the skills necessary to succeed in managing emerging challenges and in gaining the flexibility to adapt to future turmoil.
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